View the public comments and noteworthy statements from the 12/15/2022 D158 School Board meeting below.
1:26 -Parent welcomes new school board member Jon Dailey and states that she appreciates his comments to the Northwest Herald on Tuesday in which it reported “Dailey said he doesn’t think taxes need to be higher.” She stated that, based on his comments to the paper, she and many others, would appreciate him voting “no” tonight on the tax levy and how frustrating it was to hear the board refer to not wanting to leave money on the table during the November meeting:
“That money on the table is our money. It’s on our kitchen tables, not your boardroom tables. That money isn’t “left on the table” if you don’t take it. It remains in households with families…
This money doesn’t belong to you – and at a time when many are outraged about the endless spending on green initiatives in this school district, you are asking for more money. Just because you can, does not mean that you should.”
She also discussed the inappropriateness of a board member checking his voicemail on speakerphone during public comments at the previous meeting.
1:30 – Father speaks against the tax levy, stating that at 5%, this is the highest tax levy ever since the district was started. “The district has continually lied and given false information to the public.” He outlines how the district hides administrative positions and expenses under different classifications. He states that district enrollment has dropped by more than 1000 students since 2020, yet the administration costs have doubled and staff has gone from 64 to 101.
He points out that the board is voting on the highest-ever levy in an election year, and anyone voting yes will be called out publicly by many people at election time.
1:34 – Former HHS student states that in 2021 he put together a walkout to address the bullying in the schools, stating that publicly, the district tries to state that students matter, but his elementary-age cousin was sexually exploited on the bus. He said it is a shame that he dealt with issues like this when he was a student, and it is still going on. He states that he and his family will continue to fight.
2:14 – Father urges the board to vote no on the levy tonight. He states that the district “needs to revisit its stance on taking all the money ‘left on the table,” also referencing a statement made by the board during the November meeting. “This levy, which may be the highest levy increase in the history of District 158 is an example of how this board is rubber-stamping all requests for funding and the budgets from the administration.”
He notes that the district has already peaked in enrollment and has lost 10% of the students. Estimations on subsequent years also show a decline in enrollment. “This should afford the district to maintain zero, no increases in the tax levy without affecting services. It’s basic economics. However, the district chooses to spend wildly and uncontrollably on things which do not affect the core mission of the district: To educate our kids.”
He continues outlining the gross overspending: Five million dollars for 12 electric buses, while 12 diesel buses would cost less than one million. 12 natural gas buses would cost just over one million. “With enrollment declining so much, do we even need more buses? Yet we are spending 5 million. Why? So we can get a press release? A press release that has nothing to do with education? We can’t pay enough to keep bus drivers in the district, but we can afford fancy $400,000 buses? Instead of spending more on teachers when our staff turnover has nearly doubled in the last five years?”
His entire speech lists numerous additional statistics showing how the district needs to get its priorities focused on falling test scores, with less than 50% of students proficient in math and language arts.
2:19 – Father states that this is the highest property tax increase the district has ever asked for, and “I think it appalling… this single vote tonight will be over $6,000 on their property taxes next year. One vote by this board. If you’re not here tonight, you’d better not complain about your taxes next year… This is the most important meeting if you want to complain about your taxes. This is it. That’s why I’m here.”
He continues to discuss budget issues that would help solve the district’s LIGHT program issues without a tax levy increase at all.
2:22 – Mother says she was not going to speak tonight, but she had to come up and point out that the district used a photograph of the LIGHT program students as the “token picture” for the tax levy presentation to take more money from families. “That’s infuriating knowing the current state of LIGHT right now. Knowing that special services is scraping by with minimal aid for our growing special needs community… you have chosen to spend that money on ‘fake happy programs and new apps constantly instead of where it has been needed. And now you want more of our money to fix the problem.”
She urges them to spend more wisely, and closes with “But that’s not what you’re going to do. You’re going to vote yes, and we’re all at your mercy. And all of the Del Webbers who didn’t know until it’s too late will all be at your mercy. And it is disgusting.”
2:24 – Former McHenry County board member speaks to her experience with levies and asks the board to vote no. “When I’d go door to door asking people to vote for me, guess what they want to talk about? Taxes. And they pull out their tax bill, and they show me he amount of money that we pay for school taxes here.”
She continues to state “We have the second highest taxes in the state of Illinois, and we should all be ashamed. We have the fastest-growing demographic of adults living on fixed incomes.”
Tax Levy
1:41 – District 158 presents a slideshow detailing why they feel they need the highest tax levy ever asked for.
4:29 – District begins tax levy discussion, stating “It’s obviously understandable that this level of increase will be a concern for members… what I would point out to people is… not to take things out in isolation, look at the budget as a whole.”
4:32 – “What it comes down to is that it’s a competitive environment out there, and we’re at the low end of spending.”
4:33 – Board member Melissa Maiorino states “Right now, where we are, there are families that are really, really struggling, and it’s not going to get any better. I’m not discrediting anything about our district and the wonderful programs that we do offer. I just know in talking to people… families are struggling. I think about the impact that has even on our students in their home life… people are not able to make ends meet as it is right now… I don’t think I can do it.”
4:34 – Board President Tony Quagliano replies “There’s always some people who aren’t making ends meet… I’m looking at the overall [unintelligible] of the needs of the district to continue to succeed at the level, and again from a community standpoint, again, it’s unfortunate that our tax base is mostly residential. So it does hit a little bit harder on our homeowners, but.. it’s a community we all moved into, and we accepted, and we decided that this is the kind of district that we wanted, and we’re willing to fund on that level.”
4:36 – The board votes 6-1 in favor of the tax levy. Mrs. Maiorino was the only “no” vote.