
Education in the News

There are a plethora of controversial education topics in the news. We are concerned with unreasonable, controversial, and extreme views becoming mandated in public education, not only in Illinois but throughout the country and throughout the world.

We recommend viewing this short video that gives an overview of the push for gender identity, racial division, and anti-American themes running through school curriculum that are making schools “training grounds for political activism.”

If Illinois were to also embrace some of the standards noted below, would our D158 school board support programs such as these? Would they finally push back? We believe the board needs to be willing to fight for us and our students when lines noting what is reasonable have been crossed.

Critical Race Theory / Equity

Sexual Education

Political Ideologies

Lowering Education Standards

Education Trends

If you’d like to submit a news article for possible inclusion on this page, please leave it in the comments area below.

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