In 2021, District 158 applied for and received Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funding (ESSER) grants. Of this money, $19,000 was allocated for “Professionally [sic] learning for our staff designed to cultivate enhanced understanding of critical equity and social justice. Participants will partake in an interactive, personal development journey in an effort to feel empowered and engage in conversations about racism and inequities.”As part of this training, the district chose to have all administrators participate in a study of the book “White Fragility.”
“White Fragility” is a highly controversial book and ideology. The book states “All white people are invested in and collude with racism” and that “white progressives [who think they are not racist] cause the most daily damage to people of color.”
You can learn more about White Fragility at the following links, and we also encourage you to get the book at the library if you’d like to learn more about it or read it for yourself.
- The Dehumanizing Condescension of “White Fragility”
(Original article is behind paywall – archived version here.) - The Intellectual Fraud of Robin DiAngelo’s “White Fragility”
- Author of “White Fragility” continues racial con job
- Peddling the idea that ‘all white people are racist’ for profit
- ‘White Fragility’ Is An Inherently Racist Idea That Should Be Retired Immediately
The District 158 Parent Union obtained these materials through a Freedom of Information Act request.
Read the entire packet of FOIA documents related to D158 White Fragility training received from this request at this link.