School board meetings

D158 School Board Meeting and Public Comments: 3/17/22

View the public comments and noteworthy statements from the 3/17/2022 D158 School Board Meeting below.

1:42: Mother is concerned about the district’s future Covid mitigation stances on masking and vaccination and discusses adverse effects for children.

1:46: Mother reads lengthy list of comments from D158 Parent Union members regarding drugs, alcohol, vaping, and violence in the schools, particularly at the high school.

1:50: Mother discusses district’s recent IEP presentation and suggests that the district use their social media channels to do a better job advertising programs like Smart Social.


2:36: Later in the meeting, the board addresses the list of parent comments regarding drugs and violence, stating “we’re all very much aware that discipline is becoming a bit of an issue at times.”

The board continued to state that of the second speaker of the night representing our parents, “she speaks well, but she’s making statements on behalf of other people – we have no idea who those complaints are coming from, and I don’t think that’s fair presentation… I think many of those statements were blanket, overreaching statements that I don’t believe accurately depict what is going on at the high school.”

The D158 Parent Union strongly encourages our parents to attend the monthly board meetings and bring your concerns to the board in person.

We understand that with this month’s meeting falling on St. Patrick’s Day, many of our parents utilized email and our tip line to provide comments they wanted read in their absence. However, the board seems to place more weight on a dozen comments read by a dozen people versus a list of your comments read by one.


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